Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year, RUers!

Ho ho ho: if you thought jolly chuckling was so last year, beware! We are launching RU Blog 2010 with an important event announcement; a verrry interesting new feature; and some discreet prods and reminders, of course.

Important Event Announcement:
Woo-hoo!! Teri and Al Chace are going to have a blessing-of-their-marriage ceremony at a local venue on Saturday morning of the RU! Watch this blog for further details.

Sample Picnic Invitation!
The Committee has created a sample invitation that you may use to send to relatives and friends you’d like to invite to attend the Saturday afternoon “Open House” picnic, which will also serve as a wedding reception (of sorts) for Teri and Al. If you didn't receive a copy with your last update email, please ask Fran for the file.

Any and all friends and friends-of-friends are welcome to come to this Saturday afternoon free-for-all “centerpiece” of the reunion. But you will want to notify them soon, we think, especially if they will need to plan to stay over Saturday night: accommodations are scarce up in that valley on summer weekends, as you know.

We emphasize that this Saturday afternoon event is the time to invite non-family friends/guests to join in our reunion; we hope to keep Thursday and Friday to the “core group” of 10 families who have been receiving this blog link in 2009 – plus the “adopted” family members who are being linked to this first 2010 blog connection: Niki and Lee, and the Foleys.

If any of you in-laws (SOB’s, SOS’s) who are now on this blog-link wish to invite your siblings, parents, friends, or other relatives of yours, don’t forget to include them when sending out your invitations.

Discreet prods/reminders:
(1) If you haven’t made your own reservations yet for July 29-31 in the Valley – or if you are planning either to come to CA early or to stay on somewhere after July 31 – we strongly urge that you secure accommodations ASAP. Using a credit card to hold them will not tie up any money, as long as you cancel (if –sniff – you must) in time for the deadline assigned.
(2) If money is an issue – and when is it not? – it would be wise to start saving now (see link to PayPal savings plan already set up, above right column).
(3) (Core families, please note): Plan how and when to send in your contribution of $100 to cover the picnic food and park reservation expenses. You can send a bit every month if you like, to the PayPal account. We’ll need it all in by July 15 latest.
(4) Scrutinize air fares often during the January/February “off season”; deals may be had.
(5) When you do have reservations/plans set, please email Momcat/Fran with details: there’s a list in the making! We’d like to know if you plan to come early/stay late, too …. And we assume each family will secure its own reservations, both in CV and elsewhere, as needed.
Finally, just makin’ sure, here’s the tentative schedule outline we have in mind for the reunion weekend:
Thursday: arrival day in Carmel Valley.
Friday: open: (may plan some sort of event for the afternoon); Family Dinner in the evening at Baja Cantina, Mexican outdoor restaurant.
Saturday late morning: Teri and Al Chace’s Wedding Blessing Ceremony (invitations coming)
Saturday afternoon/evening: Big Picnic/Wedding Reception at C.V. Park.
Sunday: check-out; Lunch of Champions before departure, venue TBA.

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