Thursday, October 22, 2009


Brought back by popular demand and a cry of "Carpe Diem!" – RU 2010 lives again!
Boo to you all! Just in time for Halloween, the Three Planning Witches have great news: the last weekend in July 2010 is now open in Carmel Valley! Due to some inaccurate information we were getting, we had thought that the annual CV Fiesta was scheduled for that timeframe; instead it is the following (first full) weekend in August. So get out your pencils and mark your calendars: RU-2010 is going to be in Carmel Valley from Thursday, July 29-Sun. Aug. 1 next summer.

We have reserved the CV Community Park Clubhouse and BBQ Patio (the same area we used for our last RU) for Saturday, July 31st.

Upon checking local hostelries, we find that although we can't get a group rate in high season, all reservations are open and available at the moment. We urge you to investigate the links provided in the right column of this page, select your choice of accommodations, and if possible put a tentative hold on it via a credit card.

If you are interested in sharing a larger accommodation site with others in the group, please send an email to and she will give you more data on some very nice 4-person cottages in the heart of the village – and can put you in touch with other attendees with whom you might make such an arrangement. (There are some people not on this send-list yet who might be interested in the savings inherent in a shared cottage deal.)

The next blog update will probably go to a more expanded contact list of likely attendees that includes the older grandchildren, surrogate family members, very close friends, and such.

One final caveat: we calculate that each of the 10 units of our "core group" (you know who you are, because you are receiving this send) will need to contribute $100.00 to the general fund to support this gathering. This total of $1000.00 will hopefully cover (a) the estimated cost for the Big Picnic foods ($700) and (b) the rental fee for the use of the park facilities ($350). To ease the pain of this expense, we propose to set up a PayPal account ASAP into which you may, if you choose, contribute a little bit of your share each month. (If you prefer to do it in one lump sum, the P/P account is where your money should go.)

Indeed you might want to set up your own separate savings system to cover your costs of transportation and accommodations, just to ease the pain of the expense involved in this trip. And please, if you are in need of financial or air-miles help, let our Planning Wenches know what you need and we will see what can be done to help. (If you can offer such assistance, please let us know that!)

So get ready to do the Monster Mash with all of us Grateful Undead next July!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, can't wait!

    I propose we again descend en masse on that Mexican restaurant with the outdoor seating. Which night would be better, that Friday, or Saturday? (Actually if we've been picnicking all day Saturday, probably NOT Saturday.)
