Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Last Blog?

.. well, at least before the RU; look for a valedictory summation afterwards!

Some directions to events in CV:

Joe/Kathie’s BBQ, for those who are coming into CV on Thursday, will be at their rental venue in the valley, that evening (5 PM on): see her invitation email. Head east on Carmel Valley Rd; Valle Vista is about 1.2 mi from CVL and .5 mi from Blue Sky Lodge/Acacia Lodge. Once you pass the Corkscrew CafĂ© (on your right) make a left turn onto Valle Vista Rd.

Community Church of Monterey Peninsula, where the Saturday blessing ceremony will be held at 12 noon, offers the following directions:
The address is:
4590 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel, CA. Here are the directions from the church website:
One mile east of Hwy. 1 on Carmel Valley Road, on the south side of Carmel Valley Rd., just before you get to the Carmel Middle School, and right next to Rancho Canada Country Club. (Yes - where the sign says "PLAY and PRAY"!)

The church’s website is:

We could all meet at the CV Park lot around 11:15 AM on Saturday and go in a caravan – perhaps even doing some ride-sharing – but if you want to do your own driving, you now know the way. Maps indicate a 20-minute drive.

Hope you all remember that for anyone who just hates to see it all end, we are having a very informal open house up here in Boulder Creek on Sunday afternoon, August 1. It’s also a chance for those who have not yet seen our mountain forest paradise to come have a look, before you have to head for your various destinations. If you think you can do this detour, Mamma Wench would love to hear from you, so she can make sure We Have Enough Food!

As you are packing up this week, you can check this blog or other weather sources to see what you want to bring. And our RU Customer Service experts are available 24-7 via email for your last-minute questions or comments. Just contact The Wenches at

And we send you our love, prayers, and excited best wishes for safe and happy travels!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Here We Go: Monster Rally Carmel Valley

OK, monsters, are you ready to rock and roll? The time has come, as the walrus hath said, to talk of many things – last minute things, that is.

Teri and Al's blessing ceremony is set for Saturday, July 31st at 12 Noon at the chapel; we'll form a Conga Line of cars from the Carmel Valley Lodge to the church parking lot, so you might want to fix up carpools and meet at the park's parking area across from the lodge around 11:30 AM on Saturday. The ceremony is coming together nicely; Music Dave is the leader of the Wedding Band (aka "All You Need Is Love Orchestra") – and we may have some informal jamming by our family musicians too, at the park picnic.

Reminder: we will need a final picnic attendance count by July 20 latest, so we Wenches can do a complete shopping job on the Friday morning in CV. If you've chosen to invite friends who like chaos, just let us know how many by that date.

If Saturday is pretty fully planned, the rest of the time from Thursday through Sunday is mercifully unstructured. We remember most fondly the open times in former reunions; they get filled up in many creative ways and allow time for real visiting in smaller or larger groups. We did designate the Running Iron Bar/Grill on CV Road at Pilot Road, as a possible meeting place on Thursday evening, but it probably won't hold all of us, so let's just keep in touch by cellphone to see what everyone is deciding to do – and then choose your venue accordingly. Friday noon might be a good time for a bring-your-own group picnic lunch in some open area at the park; but again, it's your option. Friday evening some of the Elders will be having dinner together somewhere, but we'll keep you informed in case any of you want to invade our space!

For help in finding people you know, once you arrive in the village and settle in, here's my best info to date on who is staying where:

Carmel Valley Lodge (831-659-2261): Teri, Al & boys; Julie & fam.; Souffle & fam.; Rosie & Linda; Jude & MJ;

Blue Sky Lodge (831-659-2256): Fran & John; Jim & fam.; Melissa & Frank; Bill Cooper and Celeste; Marie & Bob; Lisa & Steve & Lucy

Acacia Lodge B & B (831-659-2297): Frank & fam.; Niki & Lee; Leenie & fam.;

private house: Joe & Kathie, Josh, Peter, Kim & David (use Joe's or Kathie's cellphone numbers to reach the group)

In fact, you would probably use cellphones for contact, but just so you know who is where – there you have it!

We imagine most of you will be settling in on Thursday, and we are driving down from Boulder Creek/Aptos that afternoon. Last one in the pool(s) is a monkey's uncle!

PS: Open House at the Boulder Creek Cottage on Sunday afternoon, August 1st: a chance to see it finally for those who haven’t been up in our redwoods yet and anyone else who cares to come up; a chance to eat up picnic leftovers (hah hah) or sandwiches and lemonade. Stop by on your way to airports or wherever!

Friday, June 18, 2010

June Update

Hola, amigos! Hope nobody is too disappointed about the cancellation of our planned Friday afternoon buffet at Baja Cantina; price and timing precluded that event. However, we definitely will gather together Friday midday for casual noshing and joshing. We are considering a BYO(Bag) lunch, possibly in one of the breakfast-rooms at the various B&B venues or even on the grass at the park; and now we have a nice stretch of Friday open for whatever floats your boats – or your water toys. With three pools in use in the village at our various locations, we may be doing a John Cheever swim marathon through Carmel Valley Village!

Thanks to everyone who has sent travel itinerary data to the Mamma Wench! N.B.: if anyone is driving to SFO on Sunday afternoon and could give the Sandlins a lift, it would be much appreciated (though not strictly essential – we all know about Niki’s bus fetish).

Important: Your participation will be required!
We are starting to volunteer people to take up the various tasks that will be necessary to make this blessed event happen.

Greg and Bryan will set up the picnic and BBQ area in the park.

Souffle and family will decorate the chapel, which should coincide with final music rehearsal for Dave.

Frank and Justin we are sure will be official event photographers. No press credentials will be required, and you will be given full access to, um, everyone.

And all you 'others' will be co-opted to help with picnic set up and clear up (Greg and Bryan will tap your shoulder - you will obey) - and other tasks that need doing!

Feel free to volunteer yourselves if you're very good at....flower arranging, balloon blowing, table setting, etc.

One other “service category” is already formed up: The Wedding Blessing Orchestra nominees are, according to the bride:

Dave L: lead vocals and guitar (borrow one from John?)
Heru: rhythm guitar, vocals
Danny: mandolin, vocals
Linda: ukelele, vocals

If John Soule can get himself together he will contribute something also; probably NOT the pennywhistle, but we’ll see. Dave will arrange for any jam-rehearsals as needed.

A List of Attendees is at bottom here; ALERT – Mamma Wench’s list needs completion, so if you know of someone else(s) who will be attending the Saturday events, please let the database lady know. We don’t want to run short of Chicago Hots or burgers (real or veggie) or Heaven Forfend, chips and dips. And a reminder: any contributions people want to bring along in the way of snacks, desserts, or drinks, will be much appreciated. The “Core Group” has contributed their money for this feast (well, there are a couple of you who will soon get nasty reminders yet) – so if you others want to help, food-wise or financially, you are cordially invited to do so.

The floor is now open for comment and suggestion – either here in the blog comments or by email to your lovely and loving Planning Wenches:

CONFIRMED ATTENDEE LIST (Currently 56 total):
Attendees List: (currently 54 total)
(2)Jude & MJ Blau; (2)Fran & John Soule; (2)Paul & Phyllis Chace; (4)Teri & Al Chace + 2; (6)Joe & Kathleen Blau + Josh Pete, Kim & friend; (4)Frank & Linda Blau + 2; (3)Kathy & Dave Lambert + Rowan; (3)Eileen & Greg Horne + Lily; (4)Julie & Bryan Drysdale + 2; (3)Jim & Greta Blau + Seamus; (2)Rosie & Linda; (2)Niki & Lee Sandlin; (2)Bill Cooper & friend Celeste; (2)Melissa & Frank Colborn; (2)Marie & Bob Soule; (3)Lisa & Steve Christensen + Lucy; (5)Barb & Heru Lamb-Hall +3; (2) Mary & Rob; (1) Al Chace’s friend Danny; (2) Teri's friends Larry Levinger & Connie Carroll

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Greetings, RUers! We know it's been awhile since our last update; we have a few important reminders!

1. 'When do we Eat?' Please, core family, send the mandatory $100 food/venue (for Sat big party in the park) contribution by June 1st - we have a couple such donations but no more so far than would book half a dirty broken down picnic table down near the parking lot, and one sorry tortilla chip to split among us all! Bad News! You Snooze You Lose! Please gang, send your $100 payment to Fran either by check to Fran or by donating to the RU paypal account (click the DONATE button on the right side of this page to use your credit card) by end of May, nay, without delay! The monies are going into a separate local bank account, to be held for use when needed for the Saturday party.

2. 'Breathing is Painless'. Don't forget to breathe, everybody: it's only another RU.

3. ' I'm Leavin on a Jetplane...' Get your airline and accommodations lined up by the end of May; summer is almost here, in California -- soon flights and rooms will become unavailable or increase in price (aaggh!!!) those of you who are shillyshallying, stop with the dilly-dallying and get on the case! You know who you are... and we're lookin at YOU.

4. 'Yo Mama Is A Listmaker:' Once you have flight details and accommodation fixed up, email Fran your 'data' for the RU List database. When she's not knitting or making cookies, that ole Granny Franny likes cookin up a meaty spreadsheet, you betcha - it tickles her right down to her tiny toes. Humour her. When you send that info please also let the Mama-lister know what your pre and post RU plans might be: are you hanging out locally? Going to SB? Where will you stay? (What will you EAT??)

5. 'With Family Like This, Who Needs Friends?' You wanna spend alla the weekend talkin ONLY to ya family?? We didn't think make sure you have sent all your friends and hangers-on invitations for Saturday!! Let us know if you need a copy of the invite! Do it do it do it dudes.

6. 'How Many Freakin People??" When you get RSVP confirmations from above pals and assorted hangers on, you gotta let Fran know - there's a whole other list thing going down, to ensure we get enough grub. (once we get your dollars that is - at the moment all guests will be eating blades of grass and sittin in the dirt.) Just drop her a little line saying for example: Jude + 30, or Jim + 2.

7. ' A Sense of Perspective is a Beautyful Thing'. It is only one weekend every five years. You will survive. Nay, you will be edified. You will sing, dance, laugh like hyenas, squish into the jacuzzi, eat far too much,and be happy.

8. 'Y'all Come, Folks' - We have decided that since there seem to be several non-core-group people coming in early this time, we shall throw the Friday Night group dinner at Baja Cantina open to anyone and everyone who wants to come and will contribute their share to the bill.


Love from your planning wenches.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year, RUers!

Ho ho ho: if you thought jolly chuckling was so last year, beware! We are launching RU Blog 2010 with an important event announcement; a verrry interesting new feature; and some discreet prods and reminders, of course.

Important Event Announcement:
Woo-hoo!! Teri and Al Chace are going to have a blessing-of-their-marriage ceremony at a local venue on Saturday morning of the RU! Watch this blog for further details.

Sample Picnic Invitation!
The Committee has created a sample invitation that you may use to send to relatives and friends you’d like to invite to attend the Saturday afternoon “Open House” picnic, which will also serve as a wedding reception (of sorts) for Teri and Al. If you didn't receive a copy with your last update email, please ask Fran for the file.

Any and all friends and friends-of-friends are welcome to come to this Saturday afternoon free-for-all “centerpiece” of the reunion. But you will want to notify them soon, we think, especially if they will need to plan to stay over Saturday night: accommodations are scarce up in that valley on summer weekends, as you know.

We emphasize that this Saturday afternoon event is the time to invite non-family friends/guests to join in our reunion; we hope to keep Thursday and Friday to the “core group” of 10 families who have been receiving this blog link in 2009 – plus the “adopted” family members who are being linked to this first 2010 blog connection: Niki and Lee, and the Foleys.

If any of you in-laws (SOB’s, SOS’s) who are now on this blog-link wish to invite your siblings, parents, friends, or other relatives of yours, don’t forget to include them when sending out your invitations.

Discreet prods/reminders:
(1) If you haven’t made your own reservations yet for July 29-31 in the Valley – or if you are planning either to come to CA early or to stay on somewhere after July 31 – we strongly urge that you secure accommodations ASAP. Using a credit card to hold them will not tie up any money, as long as you cancel (if –sniff – you must) in time for the deadline assigned.
(2) If money is an issue – and when is it not? – it would be wise to start saving now (see link to PayPal savings plan already set up, above right column).
(3) (Core families, please note): Plan how and when to send in your contribution of $100 to cover the picnic food and park reservation expenses. You can send a bit every month if you like, to the PayPal account. We’ll need it all in by July 15 latest.
(4) Scrutinize air fares often during the January/February “off season”; deals may be had.
(5) When you do have reservations/plans set, please email Momcat/Fran with details: there’s a list in the making! We’d like to know if you plan to come early/stay late, too …. And we assume each family will secure its own reservations, both in CV and elsewhere, as needed.
Finally, just makin’ sure, here’s the tentative schedule outline we have in mind for the reunion weekend:
Thursday: arrival day in Carmel Valley.
Friday: open: (may plan some sort of event for the afternoon); Family Dinner in the evening at Baja Cantina, Mexican outdoor restaurant.
Saturday late morning: Teri and Al Chace’s Wedding Blessing Ceremony (invitations coming)
Saturday afternoon/evening: Big Picnic/Wedding Reception at C.V. Park.
Sunday: check-out; Lunch of Champions before departure, venue TBA.