Thursday, May 6, 2010


Greetings, RUers! We know it's been awhile since our last update; we have a few important reminders!

1. 'When do we Eat?' Please, core family, send the mandatory $100 food/venue (for Sat big party in the park) contribution by June 1st - we have a couple such donations but no more so far than would book half a dirty broken down picnic table down near the parking lot, and one sorry tortilla chip to split among us all! Bad News! You Snooze You Lose! Please gang, send your $100 payment to Fran either by check to Fran or by donating to the RU paypal account (click the DONATE button on the right side of this page to use your credit card) by end of May, nay, without delay! The monies are going into a separate local bank account, to be held for use when needed for the Saturday party.

2. 'Breathing is Painless'. Don't forget to breathe, everybody: it's only another RU.

3. ' I'm Leavin on a Jetplane...' Get your airline and accommodations lined up by the end of May; summer is almost here, in California -- soon flights and rooms will become unavailable or increase in price (aaggh!!!) those of you who are shillyshallying, stop with the dilly-dallying and get on the case! You know who you are... and we're lookin at YOU.

4. 'Yo Mama Is A Listmaker:' Once you have flight details and accommodation fixed up, email Fran your 'data' for the RU List database. When she's not knitting or making cookies, that ole Granny Franny likes cookin up a meaty spreadsheet, you betcha - it tickles her right down to her tiny toes. Humour her. When you send that info please also let the Mama-lister know what your pre and post RU plans might be: are you hanging out locally? Going to SB? Where will you stay? (What will you EAT??)

5. 'With Family Like This, Who Needs Friends?' You wanna spend alla the weekend talkin ONLY to ya family?? We didn't think make sure you have sent all your friends and hangers-on invitations for Saturday!! Let us know if you need a copy of the invite! Do it do it do it dudes.

6. 'How Many Freakin People??" When you get RSVP confirmations from above pals and assorted hangers on, you gotta let Fran know - there's a whole other list thing going down, to ensure we get enough grub. (once we get your dollars that is - at the moment all guests will be eating blades of grass and sittin in the dirt.) Just drop her a little line saying for example: Jude + 30, or Jim + 2.

7. ' A Sense of Perspective is a Beautyful Thing'. It is only one weekend every five years. You will survive. Nay, you will be edified. You will sing, dance, laugh like hyenas, squish into the jacuzzi, eat far too much,and be happy.

8. 'Y'all Come, Folks' - We have decided that since there seem to be several non-core-group people coming in early this time, we shall throw the Friday Night group dinner at Baja Cantina open to anyone and everyone who wants to come and will contribute their share to the bill.


Love from your planning wenches.